Launching Blockius Liquidity Mining with 10171% Initial APR
In order to incentivize $BLOS liquidity provider, we are excited to announce our natively-developed $BLOS/USDT LP mining pool with an attractive APR.

Following our launch of Blockius staking pool, we wanted to reward our liquidity provider through an attractive APR. Therefore, we are launching a continuous LP mining pool where LP providers can receive up to 10171% initial APY based on a reward per block mechanism.
Blockius LP Mining
We believe that liquidity providers contribute toward the project’s growth in the longer term as it helps stabilize price impacts on decentralized exchanges. And thus, we will be rewarding $BLOS LP providers with a handsome APR based on duration they stake LP tokens for.
$BLOS LP Mining Pool Details:

- Block per reward
The deployed continuous LP mining pool will distribute 0.0015BLOS tokens per block generated in BNB Chain to LP providers. - Reward per week
A total of 304 BLOS tokens will be distributed between available LP providers in the pool per week. - Initial APR
At the time of LP mining pool launch, users will be able to avail 10171% APR and will gradually reduce as more users participate in the pool. - Minimum lock duration
LP tokens that users stake in the pool will be locked for 14 days and you won’t be able to unstake them before this minimum lock duration. - Harvest window
The reward is calculated based on block generation and LP stakers will be able to claim their accumulated reward after every 7 days. - Staking weightage
The LP miners who are committing a longer staking period will be provided up to 2x of staking weightage.
From a continuous LP mining pool, you will be able to unstake your staked LP tokens after minimum lock duration. Utilizing Unstake Principle feature, you can withdraw your committed principle amount and with the help of Claim Reward feature, you will be able to withdraw generated reward solely.
For example, Alias is staking 0.02 BLOS/USDT LP tokens for one year in the staking pool. Based on a one-year commitment and 2x weightage, her principal will act as 0.04 BLOS/USDT LP tokens in order to calculate and fetch a reward from the staking pool. She will be able to harvest her generated reward every 7 days while her principle will be locked for one year.
How to stake $BLOS/USDT LP in the mining pool?
Thanks to our intuitive staking user interface, staking LP tokens in the continuous LP mining pool has become easier than ever. Enter the amount you want to stake, play with the weightage scale for an enhanced reward and confirm the transaction — that’s it!
Here is the stepwise procedure to stake BLOS/USDT LP tokens in the staking pool:
$BLOS Contract Address:
Step 1: Insert $BLOS/USDT liquidity on PCS. (Insert LP)
Step 2: Go to Blockius LP mining portal:
Step 3: Connect your Web 3.0 wallet from the upper right corner.
Step 4: Review the pool details and click on the Stake button.
Step 5: Enter the $BLOS/USDT LP amount you want to stake.
(Flexible is chosen when no locking commitment is preferred while Locked is selected when higher weightage with longer locking commitment is preferred.)
Step 6: Tap on the Stake button and confirm the transaction through your Web 3.0 wallet.
Step 7: Wait till it gets approved on BNB chain. Bingo! You now have successfully staked your LP tokens.
You will be able to see your LP staking details and earned reward on the LP mining portal. Unstake and harvest can be performed as per the pool details.
How to unstake $BLOS/USDT LP from the mining pool?
Similar to LP staking, unstaking your LP tokens and claiming your earned reward is super easy. Just go to the corresponding pop-up and you will be able to do so without any hustle. Nonetheless, here’s the process:
Note: Unstake button will only become active after a minimum lock duration of 14 days.
Step 1: Go to Blockius Staking portal:
Step 2: Connect your Web 3.0 wallet from the upper right corner.
Step 3: Click on Unstake button.
Step 4: Use Unstake Principle option if you want to unstake your initially staked LP amount. Or, utilize Claim Reward for unstaking earned reward.
(You will be shown the exact principle and earned reward amount that you’re eligible to unstake based on your minimum lock and harvest period respectively.)
Step 5: Tap on Unstake and Approve the transaction from the appearing pop-up.
Let’s consider a flexible LP unstake scenario to avoid any kind of confusion.
For example, Bob is staking his 0.2 LP tokens under flexible staking. If he unstakes on the 15th day, he will be unstaking both principle and earned reward together. But if he chooses to unstake reward on the 20th day, he will be able to unstake his principle whenever he wants but following the harvest period, the next accumulated earned reward can only be unstaked after the 27th day.
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